Monday, March 15, 2010

Reunion Week #1

Tanner's first week home was a big long family reunion -

Here's my parents with 3 of their great grandchildren.
They even babysat while the rest of us all took Tanner to see Avatar.
Pretty brave of them don't you think?

There were people and babies everywhere. We spent a good share of the week watching baby wrestling . . . .
Naomi was definitely the toughest of the three in the baby wrestling department -

but Boston did his share to teach Madden how it's done.

Like I said -

It got a little rough.

After a while they actually played together (without tackling)

and really loved each other (so sweet).

Most of the time anyways.

I learned some new things - like what a HAM Boston is,
and how Madden is just "chillin" most of the time

and how long Michele spends working on Naomi's hair every night and day (what a good mom)
and what it looks like when her braids come out - pretty crazy :)

We had some excursions - little trips to Pixie Playland, the park, lots of walks in the backyard and throwing rocks into the creek.
CHEEEEESE!!!!! I told you he is a ham.
Teacups anyone?

We tried to enjoy a little good California weather when it occasionally presented itself -

All in all a wonderful, crazy, messy, fun week together.


MARE + 3= CRAZY!!! said...

WOW FAYE!!! This was a FABULOUS JOB!! I feel your pain when you are trying to post a huge event like this. I have done that many times... I get frustrated bc things are not in chronilogical order, a little control issue... but you did a fantastic job! I love your pictures & I love your family. It's so awesome to see your family together. The love you all have for each other is really a wonderful thing. Thanks for sharing... it's good stuff!

Bonnie said...
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Bonnie said...

Faye, I wrote a long comment while in Utah but I see it never made it here. I was offering a way to manipulate the dates to make this a little easier. if you want to know how to do it, just let me know.

Your coverage of the reunion is phenomenal. Great job. Beautiful babies and it is so nice to see Tanner home. Sorry your day at the Academy of Science was bad. Crowds are an issue for sure. All it all it looks like you had a ball and now you are coming back to reality.

After two weeks in Utah and 22 posts about it I am exhausted. I don't know if I could take it on a regular basis! I guess you adjust to the noise and numbers...but wow!