We had a wonderful Christmas! We spent it in Minnesota at Summer's house with her family and Michele's family. If you want a play by play of what we did for 6 days click into Michele's blog, if you want to hear about all our inside jokes (even though you won't get them) click into Summer's blog. I am going to try to tell you why we decided to spend Christmas in Minnesota - it wasn't for the lovely weather (the real feel was negative 1 the day we left Rochester - and I got teased mercilessly about my aversion to cold weather all week). Here are the top 12 reasons why this was a great trip -
1. The Mall of America - it is pretty amazing. We spent a day there together - and here we all are (minus Noah who despises having his picture taken). We didn't do any serious shopping but it was like a big party being all together.

2. Christmas Excitement - I don't know at precisely what age opening presents losses its thrill - but it's been a while at our house. These kids were seriously excited - it was so fun!

3. Snuggling Grandkids - does it get any better than this. We had 5 of our 6 grandkids there - pretty awesome for us. Lots of cuddling and loving going on all week.
5. Fun Presents - I decided a few years ago Christmas just isn't the same without toys and kids - it's the perfect combination for fun and excitement and I have missed it.

7. Alex's view of the world - she is the funniest girl ever. She is total drama and everything she says is pretty funny. She had us cracking up all week long.
9. Watching Landon with the little kids. He is so sweet with them - I loved just watching him play and cuddle with them. He may be the favorite Uncle.

11. Everyone talking to Tanner in Mexico City - I should have taken a picture to remember the moment - but I think this was what Naomi was doing while we talked to Tanner.

11. Having 5 grandkids on our laps - a little crazy - but John and I are loving this grandparenting thing.

12. Actually getting a picture of Noah - PRICELES!!!!
Thanks Summer & Paul for opening your home to all of us - that's 12 people every day - I know it was a lot of work - but we had such a wonderful time. Thanks Michele & John for being willing to fly across the country with 2 kids under two in a snowstorm - We're so glad you actually made it!! Great times.