Wednesday, March 02, 2011

So imagine this . . .

So imagine this if you can - John is standing in our living room checking out the new grips on Landon's driver (like the one below) -

Apparently you check out a driver by swinging it around - which John did - to be followed shortly by the shattering of glass (into tiny little shards) all over the living room. John froze like a deer in the headlights. I started laughing. Landon ran out of the den to see what had happened and saw his Dad standing there with his driver and only 1/2 of a light fixture left above the couch - and he started laughing. You really had to be there - I think John figured I'd be livid - but the truth is I never really liked that fan light anyway - and now I HAVE to get a new one.
If we can make it through this next week without anyone getting shards of glass stuck in them by walking barefoot across the carpet or by sitting on our couch then all is well.
You are all forewarned. Sit on our couch at your own risk :)


Bonnie said...

Could you send him over to my house, I have a few I'd like to replace too! Too funny! Just glad he didn't get that chandelier! He is so cute, he really lives big!

Cannot go to the folk dancing thing, already have plans but thanks for asking! :-) B

Caroline Craven said...

Funny story and I probably wouldn't have been a cool headed as you were, even if I didn't like the light fixture. Happy new lights to you!!!

Emily said...

That's awesome! I think those moments just make everyone feel better about the silly things we do sometimes! So thanks for sharing!

Connie said...

That's a good one! Thanks for sharing it....the visual image I got was priceless indeed. :)

Tanner said...

You didn't get mad?? I have a feeling that if Landon or I had done that you would have been PISSED. Dad and his privileges...

John said...

It's not that big a deal.....I was trying to hit the stupid light.

Tiffany said...

Tanner, even if it was Landon no one would have got mad. But if you had done it, everyone would have lost their shiz. seriously. Remember when you got home from your mission and you thought everyone only got hella mad when you did something but it was no big deal when anyone else did the same thing? ha ha! Hella funny.
Btw, dad, I'm not mad at you at all. It was an accident. But Tanner...if you EVER do something like that.....

John said... wasnt an accident! I was aiming for it which shows what a good golf swing I have. Mom hated that light...and I think she hates Tanner too.