Saturday, January 22, 2011

An Early Christmas in Livermore

My Mom wanted us to come out to Livermore for a family dinner on a night that we'd have the most great grandkids in town. That was the day after the wedding - nice not having to think about what to feed our crowd. My Mom made a meal similar to a Thanksgiving feast and then she had presents for everyone. It was like an early Christmas!

Avery checking out her new beanie baby . . .

Our Christmas party in full swing . . .

This was my favorite part - all 4 of my Mom and Dad's great grandkids on their laps for a photo op. Yes - that is them trying to hang on to 4 kids all under 3. I had to take the picture fast - but it is priceless!

Thanks Mom and Dad for the great Christmas party!

1 comment:

Bonnie said...

They look so sweet. May we all be blessed enough to hold our great grandchildren in our arms one day. And also put on a party of that proportion! Amazing!