Thursday, August 21, 2008

Hey dad...

Can you make this - (our ugly fireplace)

Look like this? (a pretty fireplace I swiped it off some strangers blog)

I promise to make this inexperienced man give you all the help he can...

and then, as a form of payment... I promise to make this little boy smother you with cuddles and kisses, and I might even try my hardest to make his first word be something like "bompa"

but seriously... who could resist a face like that?
you interested, dad?
I think this might be the best business offer you have ever had.


John said...

I will do it if you promise me that John will not make that ugly face while he is helping me. Boston can make whatever face he wants. Let's plan on late October, will that work?

Michele said...

deal... ill just have to convince john to keep a straight face

juan said...

i am so incredibly offended by what is happening here.. what michele did not inform you of is that in the picture you see my face reacting to her hitting our wonderful child in the face.. (see picture)

John said...

Sorry, I think you're a liar. Michele wouldn't hit Boston, your just trying to get out of some real work.....unlike that other job you have where you just play with cars all day. Besides, that face you are making is your normal face, thats how you always look.

juan said...

too mean

Randy said...

Wow. :)