Hey fam, I just rounded up all the pics from the climbing trip I went on the five days before we all met in SLC. I may be the only one who really appreciates this sport, but what the heck else am I going to blog? So enjoy it!
After being away for Thanksgiving - in two cities - and having cute grandkids visiting for several weeks I have taken a ton of pictures and feel like I will never catch up with my blogging. I'm not the dedicated bloggers my daughters are. So I decided to post a random list of things I'm thankful for. Here's just a few:
Being able gather the family together - and getting to spend time with my favorite people in the whole world (that would be my husband, daughters, sons, son-in-laws, and grandkids) How did I get so lucky?
Having the cutest grandkids ever!
Sharing memories and stories - it cracks me up the things you remember. Who else remembers Tanner saying "Raise you hand if you're sad" after I had to tell you Pepper the goat died? Summer remembers it vividly. :)
Exploring the desert and starting a rock collection with Noah.
Little ones that keep the excitement of Christmas still there.
Priceless opportunites we have to spend time together as a family.
Having a supportive husband that lets me go off and play with my grandkids whenever I want.
Having a son that's excted and ready to serve a mission.
Being old enough to be a Grandma - the best job in the world!
Being young enough to still have a kid at home of my own. Go Landon!
making fun memories in Palm Springs - thanks to a Mom and Dad that have always been so generous to me - thanks for the time share week Mom and Dad
A Thanksgiving with lots of good food (and no cooking or dirty dishes for me)
We had to do some last minute switching around to get the whole family together for this Thanksgiving - but it was all worth it to all be together as a family for the big event. On Thanksgiving morning Tanner opened his mission call. It was so exciting. He is the first in our family to serve a mission, so this was all new and exciting for us. His reaction was priceless, he was laughing so hard and was so excited, he couldn't even tell us what it said for the longest time! MEXICO CITY EAST MISSION! He reports to the MTC on Feb 20, which means we will get to enjoy him for about 2 months before he's off for 2 years! I can now admit that in a perfect world I would have liked to have him go 1. foreign/3rd world expereience 2. learn spanish 3. serve where he would get to baptize but I knew you can't really have it all - it would seem we hit the jackpot with his mission call to Mexico City. It is everything I wished for all together! Tanner is so enthousiastic - he will be a fantastic missionary.